Lev Pigovat
Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner, teacher and clinical supervisor. In the past he taught at Reidman International College for Complemetary and Integrative Medicine. He studied and practiced at the Zhejiang Provincial Hospital in Hangzhou and at the Tianjin University of TCM in China. He specializes in Chinese Medicine Orthopaedics, Pain Management, Trauma Rehabilitation and Modern Techniques of Alternative Medicine. Nowadays he has successful private clinic and online courses on Udemy with thousands of satisfied students.
“17 years ago, when I had just opened my practice, I had less than 50% success. That was frustrating. I didn’t understand why all the things I had learned in college, university and hospitals weren’t really working in my private clinical practice. I tried to learn from books, but I couldn’t find enough answers there. This prompted me to take one CE course after another. Gradually the results got better, but I still was not satisfied. Then I opened up to video courses from overseas tutors. At that time there was no term for online courses, but I could order video courses in DVD format. I was amazed at the great contribution they made to my clinical practice. The explanations were clear, the demonstrations were shown at very good angles, and if I missed something, I could always catch up when I needed to. If I had any questions, I emailed the tutors and always received a comprehensive response.
By this time my clinical results were more than satisfactory. I am still studying to improve my skills as much as possible.
I started teaching in college and did my best to make my students better therapists than I was when I started practicing.
In 2018, I published my first online course on cupping therapy. Unlike acupuncture, cupping is much easier to learn and apply in practice and can be taught very effectively from beginner to advanced through online learning, even without prior knowledge of this treatment modality.
2 years ago I started working on my new project, The Masters Edition of Cupping Therapy course. In addition to the basic information about cupping, I have compiled the most effective techniques and treatment protocols that have proven most effective in my clinical practice. I want to share this knowledge with my colleagues around the world and help them become better practitioners for their patients. I want to promote cupping worldwide and make it a useful practice as it is a very effective and at the same time very affordable treatment method.”